Hey, You Made It! Welcome!

My main goal with this site and newsletters is to provide you with timely, relevant, and valuable content with added commentary from me based on my decades of experience as an Engineer, Entrepreneur, and AI startup guy.
Hey, You Made It! Welcome!
Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

Thank you so much for subscribing to my site and weekend briefing! Here's what you can expect as a free member:

  1. A set of curated links and commentary on a weekly to bi-weekly basis called my Notes From Tom's Desk
  2. A semi-weekly post on a topic I'm currently reading and considering. It could be technology, society, or culturally focused
  3. The ability to comment on all articles

I try not to litter your inbox with frivolous things. My main goal with this site and newsletters is to provide you with timely, relevant, and valuable content with added commentary from me based on my decades of experience as an Engineer, Entrepreneur, and AI startup guy.

Some Resources To Make You Think

Now that you're here, check out these articles to get your mind moving.

Go Beyond The SWOT Analysis For Strategic Planning
Discover startup strategic planning techniques beyond SWOT analysis and explore alternative frameworks for startup success
Reconsidering Programming Efficiency Amidst Climate Change
Computers, GPUs, deep learning, LLMs, and Bitcoin aren’t going away. They’ve been a big boon for humanity and have increased our quality of life, but at what cost?
How to Sell AI Software in a Complex and Competitive Market
The AI software market is complex and competitive, but there are ways to succeed. This article discusses the challenges of selling AI software and provides tips on how to overcome them.
Navigating Through the Garbage Data World
The risk that we’ll end up building models on generated “fake” data is increasing daily. It’s getting harder to discern what’s real anymore.
Generative AI Will Destroy Most Photography
Gen AI was a killer comet that just slammed into the creative world and there was no going back.
10 Laws For Starting a Successful Startup
These 10 laws are in no way linearly related, they’re all interrelated. They are the metaphorical “balls in the air” that you need to keep spinning and always in the air.