About Me

This is my digital watering hole, where you'll get access to my view and analysis of civil and green engineering, machine learning, AI, and technology.
About Me
(c) Author - Thomas Ott

I'm an AI consultant, civil engineer, father, partner, and storyteller. I have an MBA in Technology and I'm a Professional Engineer in the State of New Jersey. I build and analyze things. Dogs love me.

What's this site about

This is my digital watering hole, a place where you'll get access to my view and analysis of the world, trends, civil and green engineering, machine learning, AI, and building startups. I like to write about the intersection of technology, society, and culture. Sometimes I write about games. The gist of it all is that I write to make a difference.

This site is newsletter run, so please smash the subscribe button - thanks!

Where to find me

LinkedIn | Threads | GitHub | Facebook


Forex and Treasuries provide clues for gold - Futures Magazine, Oct 2007.

Enhancing Decision Support Analytics in the Digital Era: Integrating Predictive Techniques with Retrospective Visualization Platforms - International Institute for Analytics, May 2017


The views Thomas Ott expresses (or others) on this blog are his (theirs) alone and do not reflect his (their) employer (H2O.ai) or Sixth World Investments, LLC. This site may contain affiliate links and the mention of any asset is not a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any asset.